Admissions Consulting — 20/20 Prep - Best Test Prep Courses in Atlanta

MBA application essays represent your chance to tell admission officers something they might not garner from the interview or your resume. This opportunity should not be taken lightly!  20/20 Prep's team of MBA application experts will help you tailor and prime your essays. We not only edit your essays for grammar issues and clarity but also assist you in honing your ideas and adding an element of creativity to your written word. We do this by first learning about your background either in person or over the phone. This allows us to draw attention to areas of strength that might otherwise be neglected. Good essays also reflect a common theme that tends to tie the introduction and conclusion together. Don't forget that admissions officers often read several thousand essays. Our experts tell us that they are grateful when they come across a delightful and lively piece of work that not only answers the questions posed but also enlightens the admissions team on aspects of your past they might not otherwise be aware of.

Our Essay Evaluation Team is comprised of GMAT instructors who have excelled not only in the verbal portion of the GMAT but also spent countless hours evaluating MBA applications.  Perhaps more importantly, they have exhibited noted success for their essays in their own MBA applications.  Understanding the process is vital. Essays receive three passes from three different sets of eyes. Turn-around time is typically three business days though accommodations are possible. During that period we prefer to stay in phone contact with the MBA applicant so we can bounce ideas off each other and clarify any cloudy areas. Our goal is to present you in the best light possible while maintaining the integrity of your thoughts and ideas.


Essay Review & Enhancement Pricing

$75 per Essay

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Associated Services offered:

  • MBA Resume Review & Enhancement  
  • MBA Admissions Interview Preparation
  • MBA Application Assistance
  • MBA Career Guidance and Coaching